Wednesday, June 29, 2011

You Get What You Pay For

Target has two store brands - Market Pantry and Archer Farms.  Market Pantry is the less expensive brand, and I usually resort to buying it to save money.  I've always wondered about the difference.  Why have two store brands?

I recently purchased some Market Pantry applesauce.  They did not have any cinnamon applesauce in that brand, so I bought the Archer Farms cinnamon applesauce.  After I got home, I read the ingredients on the two packages.  Ah ha - found the difference.  The Market Pantry brand has - ready for it - high fructose corn syrup as one of the main ingredients   Seriously?  Wow.  Why would that even be a necessary ingredient?  I love how the lower income families always get the raw end of the deal when it comes to food.  It seems like it would cost more to add that as an additional ingredient.  Furthermore, you'd think "applesauce is applesauce."  Well, it's not.

Lesson learned.

1 comment:

  1. Staci,
    Just like your blog the other day about that woman carrying on about today's food choices....doesn't that make you angry?! You have to be rich to eat well, because everything that a struggling family can afford is loaded with HFCS and other bad ingredients. Then the government wonders why the whole US is fat and getting fatter....hhmmm....maybe because we are poor and getting poorer. Even soup has HFCS in it. You wouldn't believe the labels I've read that have had all those crazy ingredients in them. I was trying to find Turkey or Chicken sausage the other day to have w/ saurkraut(sp)....every brand had HFCS in it! In sausage! WHY??? And I never understand how Juice Cocktails are still on the market....why not just get real juice instead of sugar water?? Makes me mad.
