Tuesday, September 27, 2011

First Haircuts

I finally did it.  I cut Katie's and Maggie's hair this afternoon.  I'm sure you've all been wondering why I haven't done it earlier.  I'm not a bangs person, and I don't want the girls to be either.  Maggie doesn't like to have a hair tie in her hair, and I can't get it to stay back.  It's way too thin for a barrette, and I'm sure she'd just pull that out too.  The hair that falls in her face is very thin and I only had to cut a small amount of it, so I just got out the kitchen scissors and I did it.  Robin thought I was crazy because I wasn't doing it right.  It looked fine, so I decided to cut Katie's too.  I know I should have wet it and done a better job - make it even and all, but I think it looks cute.  After her next bath, I'm going to cut more.  Make a nice bowl cut maybe - haha.  Even as it is, I think her cut gives her a straight out of the late 70s look.

After the haircuts, Robin took the girls to the park.  Please don't judge Izzie-B's clothes.  She's a fashionista (which apparently isn't a word) - way ahead of her time.  The girls are wearing their boy onesies today, and because she is always mistaken for a boy, I needed to give her a little flair.  I wonder how long it will be until she needs her first haircut.

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