Saturday, January 1, 2011

Bath Time Part Deux

I've posted before about my hatred of bath time.  Now that I've moved it to the evenings and because Robin helps me, it's so much easier and more enjoyable.  Last night, our New Year's Eve fun was giving the girls their last bath of the year.  They all got mohawks.  Poor Izzy-B only has an alfalfa sprout!  They all enjoy getting a bath and being in the water.  Katie was having a blast - she was even splashing the water for the first time.


This morning I decided to give fresh avocado another try (after carrots).  As you can see - fail!!  Izzy-B didn't seem to mind it at first, but then she changed her mind.  Succumbing to peer pressure already?!?!  I even tried mixing the avocado with banana puree.  Oh well - we'll try again in a couple months.  If anyone is wondering - I have those blankets (which we got from the NICU) over the back of the chairs to prevent marks on the wall. 


  1. Ok first of all, the mohawks are hilarious and adorable all at the same time. Love that. Second of all- why in the world do you hate bath time? I think I'd go crazy without nightly bath time to look forward to. Sometimes I stick them in the tub twice a day just to get a few moments peace and regain my sanity!! It's like a big watery play pen where they can't escape from sight and they happily crawl and splash around with each other and all their toys. And it's one of the only times of day that they aren't all begging to be picked up. Do they not like the tub or something? I guess I could understand if they didn't like playing in there or screamed to get out the whole time... That might drive me to hate bath time.

    Whatever it is, I hope it gets better soon!

  2. So cute! I can't imagine bathing three at once. I mean, now I do it because we had a third child but bathing three babies all at once! Phew! :)
