Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Why? Because they're preemies

Today the girls had a 7.5 month check-up.  Here are their stats:

14lbs 11oz - 8%
25.75in - 20%
41.8cm - 10%

14lbs 1oz - 4%
25.5in - 10%
41.3cm - 3%

13lbs 5oz - <3%
25in - 5%
41.7cm - 10%

Isabella is my little peanut.  She's so small!!


  1. don't sweat it gal- they're adorable and growing. Sarah's still a skinny minnie at almost 4, but she's smart as a whip and full of energy. Your girls are too! :D

  2. yeah, they are doing great! Mine always hang under the 10th % for weight ever since they were born...and neither of them were preemies! I asked Gray's pediatrician about it at a 9 month checkup b/c he didn't seem particularly skinny to me. She told me that the growth charts have had to be adjusted due to increasing childhood obesity. Children who used to be more in the 30 to 40% range are now down in the 10 - 20% range. As long as they see continual growth, the docs usually aren't concerned.

    Wasn't Izzy the biggest at birth? I think its cute that she's such a peanut! Makes the baby stage last just a little bit longer....

  3. Yes, Izzy was the biggest at birth, and now she's so small!

    I definitely appreciate the baby stage being around longer since I feel like I don't get to enjoy the baby stage as much while I'm trying to juggle three of them.

    The "why" part of the title was supposed to correspond to the fact that they had a 7.5 month check up, which isn't normal!
