Friday, February 25, 2011

Stair Masters

Since we moved to a new county, we had to get a new OT (occupational therapist). I liked our previous OT/PT (occupational/physical therapist) because she worked with the girls in the NICU and knew them well. I must admit though, it has been nice to have a new perspective. I think every professional has a somewhat jaded view or maybe just a certain area in which they focus.  Our new OT has looked at the girls from a different perspective and is helping them in different ways. 

She noted two main things.  First, the girls all crawl and then fall back directly into a W sitting position, which isn't good.  They should be falling to the side (a side sit) after they crawl.  I liked to sit in a W when I was little, and I think that's why I'm bow-legged.  It also isn't good for their hips according to our pediatrician.  I'm trying to get them to stop sitting like that, but, as you can imagine, it's not easy!  Second, they are not properly shifting their weight.  These two issues are actually connected.  The OT suggested that we let the girls crawl up the stairs to help them learn to shift their weight. 

Everyone has done marvelously with the stairs.  They can each make it all the way up -easily.  They rarely fall backwards (of course we're there to catch them!).  It's interesting that they sometimes switch legs with each stair, but most of the time they always climb with the same leg.  This isn't helping the weigh shifting issue.  Izzy-B even puts her flat foot up on the next stair (always the left) instead of her knee.  When she does use her right leg, it's her knee, not her foot.

It will be so nice when they've truly mastered the stairs (up AND down) so I don't have to carry them up and down, up and down all day long. 

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! That will give your back a break! I started making them all go up and down the stairs on their own a couple months ago and life is so much easier now, especially not having to worry about baby gates! I hope that happens soon for y'all!
