Sunday, February 20, 2011

Daddy's Wallet

We had a little incident last night.  Katie had been crying but suddenly was quiet.  It was just before dinner, and I was amazed at how quiet they were being.  I had no reason to believe anything was wrong (i.e. trouble) because they were in their play area, which is safe. 

We went up to get them for dinner.  That's when we discovered it.  Robin had somehow left his wallet in the play room - it fell out of his sweatshirt when he was playing with them.  They had taken everything out, and they were chewing on the receipts and playing with the credit cards.  I had to dig receipt remnents out of Katie and Izzy-B's mouths.  They also chewed up a photo of themselves.  I hope they didn't chew on the money.  YUCK!