Wednesday, September 8, 2010


While in the hospital, the girls all had their eyes checked.  The nurses warned us before the eye doctor came 1. to not be present during the exam because they use an awful retractor to keep their eyes open during the exam and 2. that the results will be "immature - re-check in 2 weeks."  I asked them why they even check their eyes if they already know the diagnosis?  I assumed it's because the doctors like to bill, bill and bill.  The nurses said it's to catch ROP (retinopathy of prematurity) or other eye problems that can present early. 

As directed, I was not present during the girls eye exams, but when I came in later that day, I was told that they all had mature eyes.  The nurses said that such a result almost never happens, and certainly doesn't happen with all three.  I was so excited that their eyes were ok.  We were told to go back to the eye doctor for a six month check.

Today was their six month check.  I didn't really know what to expect, except that I was told their eyes would be dilated.  First up was Margaret - her eyes are perfect.  Next was Katherine - her eyes are perfect.  Isabella went last, and, unfortunately, she is far-sighted.  The doctor said that one eye is worse than the other, which can potentially be a result of not enough of the dilation drops in her eyes.  But, if they really are different, then she can develop a lazy eye because her eyes won't develop equally.  She has to go back for another exam in 1 year.  It's going to bother a lot over the next year.  I hope she won't need glasses at such a young age, but if they are still different in one year, then she will need glasses to prevent the lazy eye.  Katherine and Margaret will be checked again in 2 years.  

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