Friday, February 17, 2012

Two Year Stats

Maggie had her two year checkup on Thrusday, and today I took Katie and Izzie-B.  Taking two alone wasn't too bad.  Taking all three alone would have been an issue.  They were so cute.  They held hands to walk from the car to the office. 

The pediatrician did not have any concerns with their development.  Maggie is doing really well.  Premature babies are supposed to be "caught-up" by their 2nd birthday.  The pediatrician thinks everything looks great.  Their growth curves are exactly what he wants to see.  They have officially caught-up now!  However, I'm still going to go by their actual due date to consider them 2 years old before I turn their car seats around.  Yes, they're still facing backwards.  It's the safest!


Weight: 26lbs 8oz (49%)
Height: 34.5in (70%)
Head: 48cm (65%)
Teeth: 16
Clothes: 18mo
Diaper: 4


Weight:25lbs 13oz (40%)
Height: 34.25in (65%)
Head: 46.9cm (35%)
Teeth: 16
Clothes: 18mo
Diaper: 4


Weight: 25lbs 5oz (30%)
Height: 33.5in (40%)
Head: 47.5cm (50%)
Teeth: 16
Clothes: 18mo
Diaper: 4

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